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Mission Statement

     The Rose Quartz Project is dedicated to the mission of helping earthbound spirits return to the Light. We seek no glory for this work and act solely out of compassion for stranded souls in need.


     Thank you for visiting our website. My name is Wayne and I am from North Canton, Ohio. I hope you find this message inspirational. 

The purpose of this website is to inform you of a spiritual mission and to invite you to participate. The mission is to assist earthbound spirits to find the light, so they may continue their journey that leads back to the “One Infinite Creator”


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There are many ways that a soul may become lost and stranded on this earthly plane and unable to find their way home. Souls may linger in this dimension to watch over a loved one, such as a child or spouse. They may remain to wait for a loved one to join them or to seek revenge or they may not even know they are dead. We refer to these entities as “Earthbound Spirits”.

     We place no judgments in this practice. Spirit has asked for our help and we gladly offer our assistance out of service to others with all and with an open heart.


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